Mark Hamill, a veritable font of primary-source Star Wars trivia, has shared on Twitter that he has “voiced multiple secret voice-cameos in every Star Wars movie released since 2015.” As many folks on Twitter have pointed out in response–well, those cameos aren’t so secret anymore. Come from Sports betting site VPbet
Hamill was confirming a tweet by another account sharing the related trivia that the actor voiced the female droid EV-9D9 in the Mandalorian, though in his response didn’t drill down into what roles he’s taken on in Rogue One, Solo, etc. It’s also possible he has further secrets up his sleeves about the Star Wars franchise–as we know by now, Hamill is very good at keeping secrets: His CG cameo in the Mandolarian Season 2 finale as a much younger Luke Skywalker came as a huge and thrilling shock to fans.